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Overview of Pesto sorts

Italy's most famous sauce from Pödör

Italy with its many culinary temptations is a Mecca for gourmets. In addition to pasta, pesto is surely one of the most popular exports from Bella Italia and is enjoyed around the world. "Pestare" from which the word Pesto is derived means to crush or to grind which is a good clue as to how pesto is prepared. The individual ingredients of the pesto are ground in a mortar so that the essential oils can be released. This is continued until a greenish paste results that is deliciously aromatic. The most well-known sort of pesto and one could say the mother of all types of pesto is the famous Pesto Genovese. It was invented in 1863 and carries the name of the town it was created in, namely Genoa. At Pödör you will find finest quality pesto lovingly made from the best ingredients and rounded out with well-balanced spices. The Pödör guarantee stands for dispensing with artificial colorings, aromas or flavor enhancers.

As pesto is an uncooked sauce care is taken in the production process that not too much heat is developed. In that way taste, aroma and color are retained to the greatest degree. Put it to the test the next time you open a jar of Pödör pesto. The bouquet is uniquely aromatic! It is also important that pesto is produced as quickly as possible otherwise the ingredients could lose some of their freshness and flavor due to oxidation. These are factors that Pödör keeps in mind at the production stage. Pesto is a good alternative ingredient to have at hand when you want to prepare a meal quickly but it differs greatly from common fast food in taste and in its health benefits. Thanks to pesto from Pödör you do not have to go without indulgence even on stressful days.
Cucumber-garlic pesto
Cucumber-garlic pesto
Deliverable in short time
Porcini pesto
Porcini pesto
Deliverable in short time
Truffle pesto
Truffle pesto
Deliverable in short time

Pesto contains these ingredients

In the case of pesto simplicity is the key! Only the best ingredients from approved cultivations find their way into Pödör pesto and lend it their intensive flavor. In addition to the classic pesto, the one with basil, there are meanwhile many varieties of the Italian sauce that are well-known and popular. The basic ingredients remain the same however – and at Pödör are of course first class: kernels or nuts (e.g. pumpkin seeds, pine kernels or hazelnuts), high quality cold pressed vegetable oil from Pödör, cheese – most of the time Parmesan or Pecorino is used, sea salt.

In Italy each region seems to have its own pesto recipe. In Sicily it is Pesto Rosso (pesto based on almonds and dried tomatoes). In Calabria pepper and roasted bell peppers spice up the guests. Outside of Italy the most widely used varieties are rocket pesto, pumpkin seed pesto or wild garlic pesto.

Sealed with a covering of oil and stored in the refrigerator pesto stays fresh for several weeks.

Aromatic pumpkin seed pesto from Pödör

Italy meets Austria in our pumpkin seed pesto. Mediterranean lifestyle meets the most famous ingredient of Styria. Styrian pumpkin seeds are gently roasted and processed by Pödör, together with best quality Styrian pumpkin seed oil, to pesto. Some cheese and a pinch of spices and the delicacy that will melt in your mouth has been created.

As far as pumpkin seed oil is concerned you can put your faith in guaranteed, controlled quality and gentle processing free from preservatives, additives and aromas. The taste of pure nature provides you with the extraordinary taste experience.

Pumpkin seed pesto goes very well with pasta, Grissini, cheese or risotto.

Take a look at the PÖDÖR products!

Pesto: the all-round talent in your kitchen

So simple and yet so tasty. Pesto contains only a few excellent ingredients and is nevertheless an explosion of aromas. It is no wonder that this sauce is a must have in all kitchens around the world. The most popular way to enjoy pesto is together with freshly cooked pasta. This is a fast, simple dish that is a highlight when made with pesto from Pödör. In Italy Pesto Genovese is preferably served with Trofie or Trenette – these are the kinds of pasta on which the pesto clings best. Take care to select good quality pasta so that the taste of the pesto can unfold properly.

Imaginative cooks know no limits for the delectable uses of high quality pesto! Pesto refines salad dressings as well as cold and warm sauces and soups. Whoever wants to complement their cheese board passes around an aromatic pumpkin seed pesto. Gourmets marinate fish and meat in loads of pesto before it is fried or roasted. It is a simple way to make meat and fish even tastier.

The characteristic nutty flavor of pesto intensifies when it is baked into bread or other savory snacks. Spread it on flaky pastry or fill your bread rolls with it and it soon becomes clear that pesto is not only good for noodles. Our recipe magazine is the best proof of this. Be inspired by our tasty ideas with pesto!

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